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Articles - Daily Mail Online PUBLISHED: 18:02 EST, 30 August 2013 | UPDATED: 00:50 EST, 30 August 2013
The organisation said that too many children are 'fundamentally clueless' about basic health and nutrition facts. But many were 'comparatively savvy' about food hygiene, a spokesman said, with 92 per cent knowing that separate chopping boards for raw and cooked foods could prevent the spread of bacteria. And 84% knew that good food hygiene prevents food poisoning. Colin King, co-founder of Education Quizzes, said: 'These findings should serve as an extra incentive for parents looking to kick start a healthy regime as their kids head back to school. 'Despite health and food appearing on the PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) and science syllabuses, clearly we’re failing. Not only are we seeing more inactive children, but too many are also fundamentally clueless when it comes to the basic facts about health. Exam revision service Education Quizzes has said too many children are 'fundamentally clueless' about basic health and nutrition facts 'It’s also interesting to compare the results around food hygiene where young people seem comparatively savvy. 'My guess is it comes down to scaremongering from adverts for cleaning products that have a big impact on kids, perhaps suggesting that there’s room for a TV awareness campaign. 'If shock tactics gets more kids to eat their greens, then we should consider it.'
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